Compact Dry TC (Total Viable Count)
Refers to all microorganisms present in a sample which can tolerate the presence of oxygen and does not have specific growth requirements typically not included in the formulation of general purpose media. In accordance to Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) regulation, Total Count is considered as one of the release parameters for food (frozen, chilled, precooked, and prepared food), pharmaceutical, and nutraceutical samples.
CompactDry TC was verified for the 24 hours detection using the matrix of raw meats against the reference method.
For total viable count
Colonies grown on TC plate are red color
Compact Dry TC consists of non-selective medium and redox indicator (2,3,5-Triphenyl Tetrazolium Chloride:TTC)
- AOAC International: 35±2°C for 48±3 hours
- MicroVal and NordVal: 30±1°C for 48±3 hours
Result Interpretation
- Red and otherwise colored colonies