One method of quantifying moisture in coal is by measuring the weight loss of a sample after drying. The MFS is used for this drying process and has a small heated chamber to provide the lowest practical volume, i.e., minimum free space, as required by the test standards. A known mass of the coal is heated in a stream of nitrogen or air at a temperature between 105 °C and 110 °C and maintained at this temperature until its mass is constant. The moisture content is calculated from the loss in mass of the coal.
The MFS/1 ISO operates with a regulated flow of moisture-free bottled nitrogen which removes the moisture released by the coal at 105 °C. The MFS/1 ASTM operates with regulated flow of air.
Options (specify these at time of order)

Welded steel desiccator with provision for nitrogen which is used as a colling vessel. The crucibles can be transferred directly into the desiccator without the need for cooling on a metal plate.