Food Allergens
- Almond
- Casein
- Cashew
- Coconut
- Crustacea
- Egg
- Gliadin/Gluten
- Hazelnut
- Milk
- Mustard
- Peanut
- Pecan
- Pistachio
- Sesame
- Soy
- Tree nuts
- Walnut
NEOGEN Food Allergen Test Kits
Neogen’s rapid tests for the detection of food allergens and gliadin are available in multiple formats. Neogen’s Reveal® and Reveal® 3-D allergen screening tests are simple strip tests with results in less than 10 minutes following sample extraction using Reveal and only five minutes after extraction with Reveal 3-D. The company’s screening line of microwell tests, Alert®, provides easy-to-interpret visual results. Neogen’s quantifying tests, Veratox® and BioKits, use a microwell reader and preset calculations (programmed into the reader or a computer) to determine exact concentrations of target allergens.
Screening tests
Reveal 3-D
Neogen’s line of screening tests allows for the rapid determination of the presence of a target food allergen on environmental swabs and in some food products.
1. Reveal 3-D. The unique Reveal 3-D tests allow for rapid screening for the presence of low levels of allergen in clean-in-place rinse waters and environmental swabs with no additional equipment. The 3-D allergen tests utilize a three-line readout: a control line confirms the method has been performed successfully and two further lines differentiate between no detectable amount, to low contamination, and high contamination.
2. Reveal. Designed for ease of use, the Reveal test provides positive or negative test results in 5 or 10 minutes at a predetermined level (e.g., 5 ppm). The lateral flow format is ideally suited for quick pre-operational decision making and requires minimal hands-on time and equipment.
3. Alert. A simple dropper-bottle microwell test that provides positive or negative results in 30 minutes or less, the Alert test is ideally suited for testing foods and ingredients and batching multiple samples.
Quantitative tests
Neogen’s Veratox and BioKits test kits determine the concentration of a target food allergen in ingredients, liquids, clean-in-place rinses, and in finished foods.
1. Veratox. These tests are microwell ELISA kits that detect a target food allergen in about 30 minutes following extraction. Following the test procedure, color changes in the sample wells are compared to the standards in the control wells using a microwell reader. Exact food allergen concentrations in the samples are computed using the comparisons.
2. BioKits. Microwell ELISA assay test kits that detect target allergens in approximately 1½ hours following extraction.
β-lactoglobulin (BLG)
Tree Nuts