Labfit - Carbon Sulfur Analyzer - CS1232
We are pleased to report that everything is travelling smoothly and as it should be. Our latest Design Review of the CS1232 highlighted the appealing aesthetics, improved functionality and provision for user maintenance and accessibility. We are confident that the details of your feedback have been executed to a level you would expect. Preliminary designs are near completion (~95%) allowing the Development Team to bed down the technical files and begin the generation of files for R&D production.
- Dimensions: 76cm (width) x 66cm (depth) x 93cm (height)
- Weight: Approximately 90Kg
- Detection Method: Solid-state Infrared Absorption for Carbon and Sulphur.
- Detection Range: Carbon Cell to cover a range of 0.05% to 32% using 250 mg samples
- Accuracy: +/- 1% of the Element present
- Analysis Time: 60 – 180 seconds (nominal) for coal samples
- Sample Weights: Ores – 500 mg (nominal), Coal – 300 mg (nominal), Oils 100mg (nominal)
- Temperature Range: Ambient to 1,400° C. Accuracy +/- 1° C.
- Drying Towers &Filters: Two Magnesium Perchlorate (Anhydrone) Drying Towers. One Glass Wool Filter
- Gasses : Carrier Gas – Oxygen, 99.5% Purity, 40 PSI
- Pneumatic Gas – Compressed Air, dry clean, 60-80 PSI
- Oxygen Flow: 3 litre/minute
- Oxygen Purge: Adjustable Dual Purge System to prevent the atmosphere from entering the Combustion Tube System.
- Computer: PC, DVD-ROM, Keyboard and Mouse, LED Monitor, Windows 7 Pro
For more information, please contact us