PRImeDETECT™ Legionella Plus PCR Detection Kit

PRImeDETECT™ Legionella Plus PCR Detection Kit PRImeDETECT™ Legionella spp Plus Detection Kit (Legionella spp & Legionella pneumophila) is an ideal tool for an fast and reliable Amplification and Detection of specific DNA fragments from Legionella spp and/or Legionella pneumophila by the real-time PCR method (Multiplex PCR). The Kit includes all reagents required in a comfortable ready-to-use Multiplex…


PRImeDETECT™ STEC PCR Detection Kit PRImeDETECT™ STEC Detection Kit is an ideal tool for an specific, rapid, and reliable Amplification and Detection of the virulence-associated genes stx1, stx2 and eae by the real-time PCR method (Multiplex PCR). The Kit includes all reagents required in a comfortable ready-to-use Multiplex PCR MasterMix. In addition, the kit includes both Positive Control and…

PRImeDETECT™ Campylobacter PCR Detection Kit

PRImeDETECT™ Campylobacter PCR Detection Kit PRImeDETECT™ Campylobacter Detection is an ideal tool for an specific, rapid, and reliable detection of thermophilic Campylobacter (C. jejuni, C. coli, C. upsaliensis and C. lari) from food and environmental samples by real time PCR. The Kit includes all reagents required in a comfortable ready-to-use PCR MasterMix. In addition, the kit includes…

PRImeDETECT™ Legionella spp PCR Detection Kit

PRImeDETECT™ Legionella spp PCR Detection Kit An ideal tool for a fast and reliable Amplification and Detection of specific DNA fragment from Legionella spp by the real-time PCR method. The Kit includes all reagents required in a comfortable ready-to-use PCR MasterMix. In addition, the kit includes both Positive Control and Negative Control. The Positive Control is supplied…

NEOGEN Food Allergen Test Kits | Detection of Food Allergens

Food Allergens Almond BLG Casein Cashew Coconut Crustacea Egg Gliadin/Gluten Hazelnut Milk Mustard Peanut Pecan Pistachio Sesame Soy Tree nuts Walnut NEOGEN Food Allergen Test Kits Neogen’s rapid tests for the detection of food allergens and gliadin are available in multiple formats. Neogen’s Reveal® and Reveal® 3-D allergen screening tests are simple strip tests with…

AIDIAN Easicult | Hygiene Monitoring

Easicult tests Easicult dipslides are intended for monitoring microbiological contaminations in industrial environments. Using Easicult does not require any microbiological expertise, advance preparation or equipment and the slides can easily be used on-site. The test slides can be used as convenient transport media if further analysis of the samples is needed. Easicult tests provide you…

IDEXX – Pseudalert – For detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

IDEXX – Pseudalert – For detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa 24-hour detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Detects P. aeruginosa in 24 hours with no additional confirmation steps. The ISO international standard for 24-hour detection of P. aeruginosa in water – ISO: 16266-2:2018. Minimizes the risk of false positives from nontarget organisms. Same easy-to-use platform as the Colilert Test. Safeguard against “hot-tub rash,”…

IDEXX – HPC For Quanti-Tray – For Quantifies heterotrophic organisms

IDEXX – HPC For Quanti-Tray – For Quantifies heterotrophic organisms Heterotrophic plate count made easy for bottling and manufacturing plants and on-premise testing Quantifies heterotrophic organisms in a 100 mL format No autoclaving, filtering, or agar No colony counting or interpretation Product Information HPC for Quanti-Tray Test (200 test pack) Product number: 98-27390-00 Catalog number:…

IDEXX – SimPlate For HPC (Heterotrophic Plate Count)

IDEXX – SimPlate For HPC (Heterotrophic Plate Count) Heterotrophic plate counts, simplified SimPlate® for HPC is US EPA-approved. Internal comparisons to Standard Methods (9215B) pour-plate method show a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.97. Easy-to-count wells on a round plate that correlates to plate count agar. Positives fluoresce under UV light. The SimPlate for HPC test…

IDEXX – Colilert-18 – For Detecting Total Coliform and E. coli in Water (ISO)

IDEXX – Colilert-18 – For Detecting Total Coliform and E. coli in Water (ISO) Colilert-18/Quanti-Tray is the ISO standard 9308-2:2012 for detecting total coliform and E. coli in water. It is US-EPA approved and included in Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater. The enhanced formulation of Colilert-18 provides E. coli and Coliform testing results…